Re: [SLUG] Tivo and Saving to Tape

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 00:17:29 EDT

On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 10:36:21AM -0400, Derek Glidden wrote:

> On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 01:01, Paul M Foster wrote:
> > I have lots of stuff that I recorded off the TV when it was inline with
> > the cable box and before I got the Tivo. No problems there, to speak of.
> You should drop a note to the TiVo community forums:
> Best TiVo support resource around, evend counting the TiVo company
> support.

Good link. Thanks. I was waiting for your reply, as I figured you'd have
something good to contribute.

I scanned through about 250 threads on that list, after searching for
"save to VCR". I got some hints that had to do with cabling issues, etc.
So I tried to record live TV to the VCR. Same problem. Then I bypassed
Tivo entirely and hooked an R/F cable from the cable box to the VCR and
thence to the TV. Recorded live TV that way, and same phenomenon. The
VCR plays prerecorded tapes just fine (fortunate, since I have a fair
collection; I used to be in the video business). So I can only imagine
that it's a VCR record-head issue.

At this point, it's not worth it to buy a new VCR just to be able to
dump stuff off the Tivo. So it looks like I'm stuck until I upgrade it.


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