[SLUG] Comand Line Questions

From: Frank Roberts - SOTL (sotl155360@earthlink.net)
Date: Sat Oct 05 2002 - 19:17:35 EDT

After studious consultation with several of my Linux books and an all day
experience in attempting to access the hard drive of a Windows box using
Tomsrtbt I have a couple of command line questions.

Background: Box was started on Tomsrtbt and HD was successful mounted.
ls -a > Windors-C.txt under Toms produced the correct files when Windows-C was
printed out so Tomsrtbt is working correctly but the correct files do not
appear on the screen most likely to screen over run.

1. Is there an option to the ls command that will allow the scroll to page
like the old dos command dir -p would?

2. I have no problem changing to any directory that does not have spaces in
it but I have no idea of how to account for a space in a directory like in
the command "cd My Document"?


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