Re: [SLUG] LILO or GRUB - request for comments

From: Ian C. Blenke (
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 12:32:12 EDT

It's not somthing for a newbie, but it's not that difficult once you get
used to it.

Assuming you plan on booting off your first disk (auto-probed by grub to
be "hd0" - like hda, or sda, depending), and your /boot partition is the
first slice/partition on the disk (like hda1 or sda1, depending), it's
fairly painless:

        $ apt-get install grub
        $ cp -a /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc /boot/grub
        $ cp /usr/doc/grub/examples/menu.list /boot/grub
        $ vi /boot/grub
        $ grub
        grub> root(hd0,0)
        grub> setup(hd0)

But, yeah, I had some pain getting a Compaq SmartArray2 RAID card
booting with grub. Sometimes the grub auto-discovery of devices is a bit
screwed up (forcing you to implicitly define them in your,
and other times getting the 1.5/2nd stage to boot can be a bear.

Still, I much prefer grub to lilo.

- Ian C. Blenke <> <>

On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 10:58, Derek Glidden wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 23:16, Paul M Foster wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 11:01:10PM -0400, Smitty wrote:
> >
> > > I request comments from those who have used both boot loaders as to
> > > advantages
> > > and disadvantages.
> > > Smitty
> >
> > Lilo is relatively inflexible when it comes to recovering from a
> > mis-boot. Grub provides its own command line and command set for
> > tinkering while/as you boot. Also, lilo must be re-run every time a
> > change is made to a kernel, etc., because it has to refigure offsets and
> > such for booting. Grub does not need to be rerun when changes are made.
> > It understands ext2 (and other) filesystems natively, and so can find
> > the file without having to have it compiled into the bootloader.
> GRUB definitely has the higher geek-cool-factor of the two. It's more
> like a boot monitor for x86 systems (like you might find on a Sun
> machine) than a simple bootstrap loader.
> The advantage of NOT having to hardcode the kernel images into the
> loader is almost worth using it just for that, (how many of us have
> copied over new kernel images and three seconds after rebooting smacked
> ourselves in the forehead and exclaimed "Doh!" because we forgot to
> rerun LILO) but there are lots of other advantages, not the least of
> which is GRUB's ability to read/boot from many other filesystems than
> ext2.
> > That said, though, I still run lilo, because I haven't taken the time to
> > learn how to edit grub's config file. ;-}
> yep, that's the biggest problem with GRUB: you can't just write a couple
> lines in a config file and do "grub -v" and make it work.
> It's not a LOT more complicated than that if you have absolutely
> "standard" equipment, but if your setup is just a little bit weird (I
> had a helluva time getting it working on a SCSI box) it is a serious
> PIA, particularly compared to how easy it is to make LILO work. The
> config syntax isn't exactly arcane, but it took me a little while to
> figure out how everything related to each other.
> It's best to look at an existing, working GRUB setup and copy it and use
> it verbatim until you understand how it works. (That's what I did - I
> installed a recent RedHat, which can set up GRUB instead of LILO on
> install, and then fiddled with it until I felt comfortable installing it
> on my Debian boxes.)
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> $_='while(read+STDIN,$_,2048){$a=29;$b=73;$c=142;$t=255;@t=map
> {$_%16or$t^=$c^=($m=(11,10,116,100,11,122,20,100)[$_/16%8])&110;
> $t^=(72,@z=(64,72,$a^=12*($_%16-2?0:$m&17)),$b^=$_%64?12:0,@z)
> [$_%8]}(16..271);if((@a=unx"C*",$_)[20]&48){$h=5;$_=unxb24,join
> "",@b=map{xB8,unxb8,chr($_^$a[--$h+84])}@ARGV;s/...$/1$&/;$d=
> unxV,xb25,$_;$e=256|(ord$b[4])<<9|ord$b[3];$d=$d>>8^($f=$t&($d
> >>12^$d>>4^$d^$d/8))<<17,$e=$e>>8^($t&($g=($q=$e>>14&7^$e)^$q*
> 8^$q<<6))<<9,$_=$t[$_]^(($h>>=8)+=$f+(~$g&$t))for@a[128..$#a]}
> print+x"C*",@a}';s/x/pack+/g;eval
> usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \
> | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -

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