Re: [SLUG] Problem with new HD

Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 18:18:21 EDT

If the Mother Board is a Super Socket 7 or a PII the maximum they usually
support is 30 gig.
In which case you would have to get a ide controller card such as a SIIG
from Best Buys or Comp USA for around $35-$45.00.

Also be sure to check the hard drive documentation and check either the
Mother Board Support website or the Computer OEM if it is a name brand to
see what they tell you. Also make sure your jumpers is set properly.

Good Luck.
Bill Preece

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 5:58 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Problem with new HD

> I am building up a file server, I am installing a 82G
> HD on it. When I fire the thing up it gets as far as
> the bios screen that has a list of hardware on it.
> For the first master HD is says LBA ,UDMA 2
> and the cursor goes just past that two and stops, it
> will not boot any farther. The MOBO is a 30)Mhz board
> with a Pent. on it.
> I am wondering if the HD is too big for this MOBO?
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