[SLUG] Red Hat 8.0

From: Frank Roberts - SOTL (sotl155360@earthlink.net)
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 08:50:32 EDT

I suppose I should update the list on this.

As most of you are aware RH decided to modify the GUI in RH 8.0.
When you do a standard GUI install the GUI now looks like a screwed up version
of Gnome.
Not being a Gnome person myself but lacking the Gnome GUI login interface my
normal procedure in the past was to install the system as Gnome with all the
KDE components and then switch to KDE.
Following this procedure with RH 8.0 to me did not produce a favorable viewing

I have not tried installing RH 8.0 as a pure KDE installation yet so I can
hope at this point that a pure KDE installation is not as screwed up as Gnome
appears to this KDE type to be.


On Tuesday 15 October 2002 11:57, Frank Roberts - SOTL wrote:
> Thanks for the info.
> This gives me a little more confidence that RH will install correctly on an
> IBM thinkpad.
> Thanks
> Frank

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