Re: [SLUG] market research software

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Tue Oct 22 2002 - 09:17:49 EDT

Paul Swider wrote:
> I was talking the other day with someone who runs a market research
> firm that does much primary data collection over the telephone. He told
> me about the software he uses and how much he pays. I asked if he knew
> of any open-source solutions and he said he wasn't aware if there were
> any sufficiently specialized. Are there any stats packages that are
> geared toward the number crunching market researchers do? This man uses
> SPSS but other examples are SAS, StatPro, MiniTab and so on.
> lists a package called:
      "SPSS compatible statistical analysis software"

I have never used it, and don't know if it works.


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