On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 09:11:19AM -0400, Ronan Heffernan wrote:
> >I've changed the perms on spaceghost's directories as follows:
> >
> >drwxrwxr-x /var/www root web
> >
> >I created various directories under spaceghost's /var/www, such as:
> >
> >drwxrwxr-x /var/www/www.suncoastlug.org root web
> >
> >I created the web group and added myself to that group, so I _should_ be
> >able to futz around in that directory.
> >
> >HOWEVER, when I attempt to copy files from rocky's
> >/var/www/www.suncoastlug.org directory (where the slug site lives
> >locally), to spaceghost's /var/www/www.suncoastlug.org directory, I get
> >a permissions failure. Rocky's fstab file looks like this:
> >
> Paul,
> Are all of the files and subdirectories under
> /var/www/www.suncoastlug.org also writeable (and for the subdirs,
> executable) by your user? You can make a backup of your backup and then
> try "cd /var/www ; rm -R www.suncoastlug.org" and see if you get any
> complaints about file permissions.
Depends on which machine you're talking about. For my desktop, all the
subdirs are owned paulf.paulf and perms are drwxr-xr-x. I'm connecting
to spaceghost (the server) as user paulf. The subdirs there are owned
root.web, and perms are the same.
> Another wonderful solution for websites is to use CVS. Put your
> repository on spaceghost, and when you want to update a live site: ssh
> into rocky, cd into /var/www/www.suncoastlug.org, and run 'cvs update'.
> You (and other developers) can have working copies (that can be tested
> in-sito) which are only committed to the repository when they look good.
> Some HTML editors (e.g. Quanta+) even speak CVS right in their GUIs.
One problem here is that my wife (on her Windows) machine must also be
able to rwx the files. In her case, the directory is shared under Samba,
which I haven't tested yet. But it means that there are certain avenues
unavailable to me, since Windows doesn't have much of the software we
take for granted on Linux. Solving the permissions problem on my machine
is the first step. Oddly, in getting the permissions problem, I don't
see a log that details the problem anywhere on spaceghost.
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