> I've changed the perms on spaceghost's directories as follows:
> drwxrwxr-x /var/www root web
> I created various directories under spaceghost's /var/www, such as:
> drwxrwxr-x /var/www/www.suncoastlug.org root web
> I created the web group and added myself to that group, so I _should_ be
> able to futz around in that directory.
> HOWEVER, when I attempt to copy files from rocky's
> /var/www/www.suncoastlug.org directory (where the slug site lives
> locally), to spaceghost's /var/www/www.suncoastlug.org directory, I get
> a permissions failure. Rocky's fstab file looks like this:
Are all of the files and subdirectories under
/var/www/www.suncoastlug.org also writeable (and for the subdirs,
executable) by your user? You can make a backup of your backup and then
try "cd /var/www ; rm -R www.suncoastlug.org" and see if you get any
complaints about file permissions.
Another wonderful solution for websites is to use CVS. Put your
repository on spaceghost, and when you want to update a live site: ssh
into rocky, cd into /var/www/www.suncoastlug.org, and run 'cvs update'.
You (and other developers) can have working copies (that can be tested
in-sito) which are only committed to the repository when they look good.
Some HTML editors (e.g. Quanta+) even speak CVS right in their GUIs.
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