Unfortunately Nautilus on my system does not have the 'Use Nautilus to
draw the desktop' selection! In fact, the entire 'Desktop' selection
group is missing (It is there in my wife's login). Perhaps this has
something to do with my setting Galeon as the default handler for URLs
in Gnome...
On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 14:40, Matt Miller wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 14:22, Adrian deLisser wrote:
> > After recovering from a crash (RH 7.3, Gnome 1.4) about a week ago, my
> > desktop icons are no longer displayed. They (the icon files) still exist
> > in ~/.gnome-desktop and can be accessed via Nautilus.
> IIRC, gnome 1.4 uses Nautilus to draw the desktop by default. Launch
> Nautilus; go to Preferences > Edit Preferences > Windows & Desktop, then
> check the box to "Use Nautilus to draw the desktop".
> --
> Matt Miller
> Systems Administrator
> MP TotalCare
> gpg public key id:
> 08BC7B06
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