I have a sound blaster live drive platinum card and I am
trying to get any info on the live drive(the faceplate that
mounts on the front of the case). I would like to get this
working in Linux but thus far have had no luck. All the
searches I have tried showed no results---none that
concerned the drive and getting it to work in LInux.
I would like to know if anyone has gotten this to work, like
how, and what is necessary.
With all the sound blaster support in Linux I would assume
that someone has gotten this to work but I cant find out
how/what/where etc.
All the data---web and in the paper work that comes with it
only mentions windows---nothing nowhere about Linux. But---
I do know the sound card works and every distro I installed
had no prob with it. I just cant get the drive portion to
work and since the live drive portion has the midi ports
and volume controls, mic, etc , it would be nice to have it
Any suggestions as to where to look---- any help will be
greatly appreciated.
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