Re: [SLUG] Sound Blaster

From: Ken Billings (
Date: Sun Oct 27 2002 - 11:46:57 EST

> I have a sound blaster live drive platinum card and I am
> trying to get any info on the live drive(the faceplate that
> mounts on the front of the case). I would like to get this
> working in Linux but thus far have had no luck. All the
> searches I have tried showed no results---none that
> concerned the drive and getting it to work in LInux.
> I would like to know if anyone has gotten this to work, like
> how, and what is necessary.
> With all the sound blaster support in Linux I would assume
> that someone has gotten this to work but I cant find out
> how/what/where etc.

I don't have the livedrive, so I can't answer as to what features
_actually_ work, but I do know that it is somewhat supported in creative's
current opensource driver. It's an option in the config file. - Looks a bit outdated

Basic support for the card is standard in the kernel now, but for the good
stuff you have to compile the module and tools direct from the latest
source. If you have major problems, there's a mailing list, message
board, and of course there's always SLUG...


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