First, thanks for answering. I forgot to tell you that those servers are
not local network servers. As a matter of fact, the only thing they are
sharing is the dns service. In other words, one is the primary dns and the
other is the secondary. In the future, they will also belong to two
different ISP companies.
> You really want to use rsync.
> backup$ export RSYNC_RSH="/usr/bin/ssh -c blowfish"
> backup$ cd /backupdir
> backup$ rsync -Saxv --delete root@source:/sourcedir/ /backupdir/
> This will make a perfect mirror of the files in source:/sourcedir in the
> directory /backupdir on the backup server, all over ssh.
> - Ian
> On Friday 01 November 2002 11:22, Diego Henao wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I have a question about a script that I want to do for backing up a
>> couple of directories. I have 2 cabolt servers. I want to take the dns
>> entries and the directories that are hosting my client's websites. I
>> have thought the algorithm as the follow:
>> 1. First make a tar of the /etc/named and the /home directories.
>> Obviously I don't need the logs from each website. I don't know how to
>> avoid the compression of those files ( I need to keep the same
>> structure of each directory, I think tar does that automatically).
>> Also, what files do I need to have in the backup to update the dns
>> entries?
>> 2. Use the scp command to move the file from server 1 to server 2. 3.
>> Add a cron line according with the necesities.
>> 4. In server 2 create a script to descompress the file. I don't know
>> how to tell the script that I need to send and email to the
>> administrator telling him that the file is corrupted.
>> Any Ideas.
>> If you know any application that may do that; let me know.
>> Best of regards
>> Diego Henao
> --
> - Ian C. Blenke <>
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