You really want to use rsync.
backup$ export RSYNC_RSH="/usr/bin/ssh -c blowfish"
backup$ cd /backupdir
backup$ rsync -Saxv --delete root@source:/sourcedir/ /backupdir/
This will make a perfect mirror of the files in source:/sourcedir in the
directory /backupdir on the backup server, all over ssh.
- Ian
On Friday 01 November 2002 11:22, Diego Henao wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have a question about a script that I want to do for backing up a couple
> of directories. I have 2 cabolt servers. I want to take the dns entries
> and the directories that are hosting my client's websites. I have thought
> the algorithm as the follow:
> 1. First make a tar of the /etc/named and the /home directories. Obviously
> I don't need the logs from each website. I don't know how to avoid the
> compression of those files ( I need to keep the same structure of each
> directory, I think tar does that automatically). Also, what files do I
> need to have in the backup to update the dns entries?
> 2. Use the scp command to move the file from server 1 to server 2.
> 3. Add a cron line according with the necesities.
> 4. In server 2 create a script to descompress the file. I don't know how
> to tell the script that I need to send and email to the administrator
> telling him that the file is corrupted.
> Any Ideas.
> If you know any application that may do that; let me know.
> Best of regards
> Diego Henao
-- - Ian C. Blenke <>(This message bound by the following:
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