Aaron, let me know how I can help off-list. A while back, Russ
Wright and I tossed this around, but I guess with our schedules
weren't able to pan out something. I remember I was trying (still)
for St. Pete College, but they were being turds about it being a
college-run organization with a professor as the head and approval
from the provost. We also may have had to pay a monthly fee for
facilities. I'm taking a class there now, yet I haven't tried this
semester to muster a campaign. If you can get something going with
the library, etc. I'd like to help in whatever way I can. I think
I'd rather step away from this grand academia bureaucratical nonsense.
>I am waiting on a call back from the Saint Pete Library.
>The Address is:
>3745 Ninth Avenue North
>St. Petersburg, FL 33713
>mapquest link:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Russell Hires" <rhires@earthlink.net>
>To: <slug@nks.net>
>Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:08 AM
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Possible St Pete meetings?
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On occasion I make myself go to the Dunedin meeting since I'm not able to
>> to the Tampa meeting, since I work at night. How far is the St Pete
>> from Largo, anyway?
>> SLUG is non-profit (or not-for-profit...you'll get this if you've been
>> following the KDE League/Missing money story), although I don't see
>> "official" about this on the SLUG website...there's an accounting of what
>> happens with the money on the SLUG website, if you're interested.
>> The money does pay for things, like the trip to Tampa that they guy from
>> Linux International made...I can't remember his name, and the li.org site
>> down for now...meanwhile, back at the ranch...I'm all over this email.
>> So bye for now!
>> Russell
>> On Thursday 07 November 2002 09:32 am, you wrote:
>> > I called the library and you can only use them if are a non-profit
>> > organization.
>> > Is the slug non-profit? or is the raffle money going to buy illicit
>> > of windows software!?
>> > If I find a place in Saint Pete to hold the meetings, will anyone show
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "James Miller" <slug@intofocus.com>
>> > To: <slug@nks.net>
>> > Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:56 PM
>> > Subject: Re: [SLUG] Brandon Meeting This Thursday.
>> >
>> > > The St Pete Public Library (Main Branch) is always looking to have
>> >
>> > groups
>> >
>> > > use their rooms. (Something about getting more money from the City if
>> > > more people using them...) They have 3 meeting rooms, one of which is
>> > > fully-fitted auditorium. All you have to do is fill out a form and
>> >
>> > request
>> >
>> > > the room you want. They get picky about how far ahead you can reserve
>> > > the rooms, but other than that, they're easy to work with.
>> > >
>> > > > Seriously, the only thing stopping St Pete meetings is someone to
>> > > > reliably run them. Naturally, you need a place to meet, but it's
>> > > > important to have someone stable there who's willing to show up and
>> > > > things month after month.
>> > > >
>> > > > Paul
>> - --
>> Linux -- the OS for the Renaissance Man
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