Re: [SLUG] Mirror

From: Matt Miller (
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 13:17:03 EST

On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 13:58, Diego Henao wrote:
> First of all, thanks for answering my question. I think your answer is
> pretty much complete. I have another question about this. Will these set
> up allow the secondary server to have an updated list of the web-hosted
> sites that I have in my primary?. In other words, I have different clients
> with different websites. I think my server is giving the information to
> people outside about where all these websites are. In case my primary
> server goes down, noone can access my client's web-sites because there is
> not record of them.

If these are external DNS servers, you probably have zone files for each
domain. Make sure you have setup a "slave" entry on your secondary for
each domain. Contact your Registrar (Verisign, TUCOWS, etc.) and update
the primary and secondary DNS servers to reflect their respective IP's.
If your primary fails to respond, the outside world will know how to
access the secondary.
Look into the DNSSEC and allow-recursion functions of BIND to help
increase security.

Matt Miller
Systems Administrator
MP TotalCare
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"An improperly trained Samurai dies quickly."

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