[SLUG] Thursdays night Brandon meeting Special Announcement.

From: bpreece1@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 22:05:45 EST

This is a little reminder that this Thursday the Brandon Meeting at Barnes
and Noble will be at 20:00 to 22:00 hours or 8:00 pm till 10:00 pm for you
non military type. Also this Thursday we maybe having a photographer for the
Weekly Planet Newspaper.

They are doing a story on Linux. I would like to ask for as many of you that
can please show up for this meeting. I will be showing off Xandros Linux
this is the former Corel Distro. I will try to show and discuss the
improvement that they have done. This is a very nice distro. Also as Tina
Gasperson did a excellent write up on this distro. I can tell you this it
blows the original Corel Distro away hands down and it promises to be a
great distro as it continues to develop. Not to mention that the Crossover
part of it looks to be very good.

Here is a copy of a E-Mail from the Weekly Planet.

I'm turning in my Linux story this week, and I wanted to let you know that
the Planet is assigning a photographer for one of your Linux meetings. I
believe he will be coming to the Dec. 5 meeting in Brandon. I just want to
give you a heads-up and to make sure there were not a problems with that.

Trevor Aaronson
Weekly Planet, Staff Writer

This just goes to show you that we are continuing to make news :-)

This will be the last Brandon Meeting for 2002.
So bring the Friends, Family, etc., We will have a raffle of course.

On behalf of SLUG, myself, Diane and Norb We wish you all the best for the
P.s. can we break a Brandon Attendance at this meeting ? ? ?? ?

Bill Preece

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