[SLUG] Last Nights Meeting in Brandon

From: bpreece1@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 10:09:07 EST

Folks I want to say thank you a great turn out one of the largest we have
had in a while.
I also love the fact that we had a lot of new faces thanks :-) 29 People at
the Meeting {ROCKIN}

I hope we can continue to have these kind of turn outs.

Also Barnes And Noble was extremely cool to let us have an exception to have
a meeting as they
were not having any for the month of December. However when Diane called
them and told them
that we were having the Weekly Planet come out they said "No Problem" that
for that they were more
than happy to accommodate the meeting. Not to mention they said they enjoy
our presence.

I am also glad my voice held out so I could do my fly by the edge seat Demo
on Corel Linux to Xandros and how the distro has changed and has gotten more
robust to looking like a good Distro again. Hope you all had fun and enjoyed
it. I enjoyed my self because of the high turn out.

Finally again on behalf of Myself, Diane, Norb, and the Suncoast Linux Users
Group Happy Holidays, and Seasons Greetings to you and yours.

Bill Preece

P.S. Hope to see you all Next Year at the First Meeting of 2003.

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