Re: [SLUG] slug webblog

From: btt (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 07:12:14 EST

On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 09:43 PM, Russell Hires wrote:

> Well, I thought about expressing interest, but....I like the idea of a
> "projects list" rather than the blog. Maybe we could even get a blog
> that can
> send out email with the entry to a listserve (like Derek talked
> about). I
> have projects that I'm interested in, that I participate in, and that
> I have
> going on, that would be a good place to chronicle that type of stuff.

That is really the main advantage of a supplementary web forum. IMHO,
mailing lists are excellent, but I've noticed that the discussion is
generally very inhibited. I notice that threads arise that are very
interesting, then they are taken off-list because either someone
requests it or the thread's initiator decides spontaneously to take the
thread to wherever these embattled threads go.

I kind of regret using the word weblog instead of web forum, but so it
goes. I think "projects list" would be a great section to have on
there. My first thought was something like a personal journal (where
_anything_ goes), but with a linux leaning. Either way, the main idea
would be to provide free-form, central discussion and idea exchange for
a group of people with similar interests. There'd be no ads or
sponsorships, either.

Anyway, I'll continue to work on that scoop site mainly because the
mod_perl code is very hackable, and I'm enjoying taking it apart. Heh.
Maybe I should start a thread on there chronicling the hacking exploits.

On Wednesday 11 December 2002 14:59 pm, you wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 02:08:03PM -0500, Aaron Steimle wrote:
>>> Was this something that people would be interested in. If so, I was
>>> going
>>> to get some space at phpwebhosting. I would have no trouble putting
>>> something like that up. I might need help actually setting it up. I
>>> wouldn't mind doing it as long as people would use it.
>> Hey.. :) I mentioned something like this a couple of days ago
>> and somebody else has expresses interest, too. Now we are three!
>> I really like the idea... I've been toying with scoop off and on
>> for months now and have a very, very generic site set up here:
>> Not much to look at, but there it is anyway...

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