RE: [SLUG] A Challenge....

Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 21:12:37 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pat Morris []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 08:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [SLUG] A Challenge....
> How important is it to have a precise count of these
> bait fish? All the bait shops I go to when I go
> fishing give me an approx. count, approx. a dozen
> shrimp for example, on the generous side. Wouldn't a
> non-technical solution be more appropriate, such as
> some sort of template to estimate x amount of fish
> take up x amount of a profile, or weighing the fish,
> where you know how much a single fish would weigh, and
> then project that for the count plus the weight of any
> liquid..... -Pat

The buggers stand there and HAND count them.
Our guy that catches them sometimes mis-judges
by 15-20 fish, and some of them think you are
trying to pull something over on them. I want
something that is within say 5 fish of what I
say are in there, I would also rather be over
5 fish than under. They may short you but they
DO NOT want to be shorted. We tried to get 30
cents a fish and they fight or refuse to purchase
so we are stuck with 25 cents a fish. Most of them
are getting 50 cents a fish to the public. These
are pinfish and pigfish. Also pinfish will be
anywhere from 50 grams to 150 grams, so there is
quite a bit of variation in weight. I do not
want to give away too many either. The other idea
with a counter is to be able to rapidly count
out a requested number and get a printout with
price on it, if it is accurate afte a while they
will quite the hand count stupidity and just take
the load we deliver.

Keep the ideas coming folks, this could be fun.

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