Re: [SLUG] Broke my Log-In

From: Ian C. Blenke (
Date: Tue Dec 24 2002 - 09:43:07 EST

On Tuesday 24 December 2002 02:00, Robert Stia wrote:
> > No need to go in and manually clear those files.
> No, I need those files. They were downloaded and sitting ready for the
> upgrade. Will do that after they are installed? I hope !! :-)

Nope. Debian leaves a cached copy of the .deb files there even after they've
been installed. You need to occasionally "apt-get clean" to remove them. It
can be a good thing, though. If you ever want to play-back packages you've
installed recently, there they are.

> > > Anyway, I am now faced with a 99.2% full partition that should be
> > > only about 40%. What has happened?
> >
> > My favorite way of finding out:
> >
> > # du -xk /mountpoint | sort -rn | less
> Thanks, Ian, You have been a big help to me. Learned a few more new
> commands. Of course, as soon as you reminded me about /proc I then
> remembered that it was not a real file system. Still would like to
> know why there is a kcore file in /proc though.

The primary reason for /proc/kcore is for kernel debugging. It is still a
rather big security risk in that it exposes all of your system memory to a
user mode process (running as root, of course). In a truely secure setup,
/proc/kcore is simply not made available to user mode processes.

By default, /proc/kcore is chmod 400, readable only by root. Assuming your
setuid root binaries are non-exploitable, this is probably an acceptable

> I would still like to free up more space in my / partition though.
> When I set up my system fo SuSE 7 I only made two partitions, / &
> /usr. That means that everything but /usr is on the one partition
> including /home /var/ /opt etc.
> I have a big block of space that I set up as a separate partition and
> named /data. I use this space to store back-ups and put stuff
> temporarily while changing things. Is it possible to rename it and
> put /home in it's place? That would give me much room on /. Don't
> know what problems that might cause though.

You can always copy content over and symlink to it:

        # rsync -Saxv --progress /home /data/home
        # mv /home /home.old
        # ln -s /data/home /home
        # shutdown -r now

The shutdown is to close all filehandles open to files in /home.old. After you
reboot, you can rsync again to get any changes:

        rsync -Saxv --progress --delete /home.old/. /data/home/.

You can run the above rsync command as many times as you want. Yeah, the
trailing dots are superfluous, but it's an old habit I have a hard time

At this point, you may remove the /home.old directory.

It's kind of ugly to have files symlinked to hell and back, but it does fix
space problems.

> Anyway, thanks again for your help and all of the help the Sluggers
> offered.

Glad to help.

- Ian C. Blenke <>

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