Re: [SLUG] Sendmail (Was CD burner)

From: Matt Moen (
Date: Sat Feb 01 2003 - 00:48:49 EST

Thus spake Levi Bard on the 31 day of the 01 month in the year 2003:
> Could alias <esc>:wq to <esc>:engage ...
> Or whatever the ctrl-alt-meta-shift-fn combination is in emacs...

That's not good enough. You need some speech recognition to hear you
say "engage", but you might just say that in normal conversation. (Hey,
there are lots of geeks on this list that just *might* be on the phone
talking about the STNG re-run they saw on TNN last night...or more
likely mumbling about the re-run they saw last night while IRCing.)
In addition to speech recognition, you need a web cam pointed at you
with some heuristics to determine when you're flicking your arm downward.

Being able to save like _that_ will definitely attract the ladies!

Actually, the above really belongs in your car, except there it would be
equivalent to your cruise control's resume feature. That would really
impress women.

Matthew Moen

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