Re: [SLUG] Hotmail bouncing

From: Frank Robers _ SOTL (
Date: Thu Feb 13 2003 - 04:13:00 EST

On Wednesday 12 February 2003 10:41, Matt Miller wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 10:17, Ben Ostrowsky wrote:
> > Quoting Frank Robers _ SOTL <>:
> > > Now, I don't know about you people but that doesn't sound like the MS
> > > I know. As I recall they are the most congenital,
> >
> > That adjective is usually reserved for tragic genetic or ontogenic
> > mishaps.
> Mishaps? Like in some sort of cosmic laboratory? Or like when someone
> tries to follow the cue of a comic book super-hero and exposes themselves
> to high concentrations of radiation/toxic waste/taco bell?

At least my mistake is not as bad as the one that people who are try to run
Linux on a MS server with the expectation of good results are making.
Mine will go away with the end of this email assault but theirs will not.

Of course I could have missed something over the last five years but as I
recall MS spent considerable amount of time in a Federal Court charged with
Monopolistic practices. And! If I recall correctly one of the principle
charges against MS was that when they wrote code it was never complete until
their opponents software refused to function correctly.

Then there are those on the list who assume that since Hot Mail doesn't say MS
Hot Mail that it is not MS software or some such or that MS did not spend
time in court. I know that this is true because they keep making posts
glorifying Hot Mail and trashing the Linux server.

In short sorry for picking the wrong word at 4:00 AM when the spell checker
said I either typed the correct incorrectly - very high probability - or
could not spell it correctly to begin with - low probability.


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