[SLUG] firewall and dhcp

From: GonkN1@netscape.net
Date: Sun Feb 16 2003 - 15:49:50 EST

I have an average skill level using Linux. I have redhat 8.0 and I'm trying to replace our redhat 6.2 dhcp and firewall. Here's the problem. I can get the dhcp to work fine. everyone can see each other one our peer to peer network, but they cant access the internet through the redhat firewall. the firewall setting are included with the attachment I sent and here is my dhcp settings for our lan.

default-lease-time 7200;
max-lease-time 14400;

#this is eth0, for the internal network
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option routers;
option domain-name XXXX;
option domain-name-server;

#the ip address and netmask are statically assigned to the dsl modem
# which is
#the ip address and netmask were given to us by our ISP provider
#this is for eth1, connection to our dsl modem

subnet netmask {

ddns-........ (i forgot the rest of this entry, but it does work )

and thats it. the computers on our lan, about 8 total, cant reach the internet.

I could use some more advice....my email is gonkn1@netscape.net
ONe last thing, can I be taken off the mailing list for all questions posted. When I originally signed up with SLUG, the questionaire asked me if I wanted to recieve questions posted, I said yes. I don't wish to recieve anymore....thanks...Kris

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