RE: [SLUG] openssh

From: Matt Miller (
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 15:20:19 EST

On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 14:55, Rock wrote:
> I do not want to disable the passphrase with ssh. I just want to have
> that done automatically using ssh-agent and the ssh-add command to keep
> it all in memory. Then I can use keychain to keep my login ability up
> and running until the system is rebooted.

Gotcha. I should have read your original post more thoroughly. I have a
tendency to skim through posts and respond hastily. :)
I am assuming you are referring to this:

> It is just that I am never asked for a passphrase at all,, just the
> password. The system asks and looks for the identity first and then
> id_rsa and id_dsa and then it defaults to password which is where I come
> in. mFor some reason it is not recognizing the identity file on the
> server. I am checking the permissions now and will try again. I am
> making .ssh and all files in directory have a permission of 600 and with
> all my ownership.

Let us know if that works.


Matt Miller Systems Administrator MP TotalCare gpg public key id: 08BC7B06

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