JWZ has a good summary of X11 cut and paste:
The best way to describe the "problem" is that there are two different methods
of cutting and pasting.
1. X11 Primary Selection
2. X11 Clipboard (client-to-client)
When you select text in an X11 widget, the text is instantly available via the
primary selection. You may move to another X11 widget and middle-click to
"paste" that primary selection.
When you select text and use the "Edit/Copy" menu option in most applications,
the text is put into the clipboard. When you paste from another application,
the target application actually "talks" to the source application (clipboard
owner) to get the clipboard contents.
It is possible to have two *different* things available for pasting. I
commonly have something in my clipboard and still use primary selection to
paste text without touching what is in the clipboard.
So, to simply summarize: selecting text by dragging your left mouse button
merely "selects" it (becoming by default your "Primary Selection"). You may
"paste" this by using the middle-mouse button, but this text is NOT put into
your clipboard. If you use your "Edit/Copy" menu item (or copy keystroke)
however, that "selection" is now "in the clipboard". You may use the
"Edit/Paste" menu item (or paste keystroke) to paste what is "in the
clipboard". It should be this simple.
I've *just now* tried cutting and pasting text between "gedit" and "kate" as
well as OpenOffice with no issues.
As for keyboard shortcuts: if you're familiar with the ICCCM key-bindings,
Control-Insert (Copy) / Shift-Delete (Cut) / Shift-Insert (Paste) work on
*every* machine out there (From Windows, to Solaris boxen and Macs). That
silly Cntl-C/Cntl-V nonsense doesn't work well within a shell console either.
My biggest complaint for poor support of cut-and-paste would be VNC: I have
yet to get vncviewer to copy and paste correctly under Unix.
-- - Ian C. Blenke <icblenke@nks.net>(This message bound by the following: http://www.nks.net/email_disclaimer.html)
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