You win the lucky prize. This is interesting
the NIC card was working just fine under RH 7.3, it also
had seen life under 7.0 and 7.2 under them all it worked
just fine. Seems RH 8.0 has broken some things that did
work under previous versions. This card is one of those
'computer show specials' but I have a load of them running
at home on other machines and have only lost them to lighting
(we are the ESD capital of the world remember)
The silly card still works under 7.3 and Win2K so not sure
what to think, perhaps it is in the 8.0 drivers or the way
8.0 sets the card up.
Thanks to the other reply also, but I checked out the network
part and it was all OK, that was my first question, was it a
proxy or network issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jared Quedens [mailto:jared_quedens@yahoo.com]
Sent: 25 February, 2003 23:24
To: slug@nks.net
Subject: Re: [SLUG] RH 8.0 Confoundations
Ive had similar problems, It was the network driver for my 3com card. I just
ripped it out and let
Redhat reconfigure the system,then reinstalled a 3c905 PCI Card. After that
it worked fine.
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