Re: [SLUG] IDS presentation?

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 18:36:25 EST

On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 17:25, William Coulter wrote:
> I would love to attend and take notes on IDS with rootKit and everything else but I can't make it.
> Could some one take notes and/or post them to the SLUG. You could email me everything. Hey
> Derek, are you willing to post your full written presentation? Security is a big thing for me. I
> am always trying to learn about security.

I'd probably do something in OpenOffice's presentation thing and put it
somewhere people could get to it.

Although anyone who was there for my firewall presentation can probably
attest to the fact that security issues are not things that can be
easily explained with a slideshow. :)

Something though, since a lot of people are saying "I'd like to hear a
presentation on rootkits" - I am NOT particularly interested in talking
about exploits. I could briefly mention some of the different types
that are out there, but I'd rather focus on the actual IDS components
and how they work, setting them up, etc. It's a lot more interesting to
me than skript kiddie stuff, which is really what most exploits are

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