I've been using Mandrale 9.0 for the past few months
at home. I'm a new user, and still feeling my way
around. I'm not familiar with these issues, but have 2
others that happen each time I shut down the system
for a day or so, then start it back up.
First, the clock is always wrong. Usually slow,
anywhere from a few hours to a day or 2.
Second, the display is wrong. I use a Banshee video
card with 16Mb memory, and a KDS Visual Sensations 17"
monitor. If I go into the display settings and test
the settings, it goes back to normal.
Other than that, I'm real happy with this distro. I've
eliminated all M$ from my system.
--- Robert Eanes <rheanes3@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've been playing around with Mandrake 9.0 for a
> while
> and have been generally pleased with it in a client
> role. Something strange happened today.. I haven't
> turn it on in 2 or 3 days and it was working fine
> before, but today I flipped the switch, booted into
> KDE and tried to start XMMS. The twirling hourglass
> comes up on the task bar, and then just goes away.
> Mozilla was next... the browser would come up fine,
> but the newsgroups would crash it.. no error message
> or anything.. just gone. Funny thing, though, I
> could
> get XMMS to run by starting it from a terminal
> session. Close the session, and XMMS goes away.
> The
> icon for XMMS was executing "soundwrapper".. really
> not up on the details of all that goes into the KDE
> desktop systems so I'm at a research and
> troubleshoot
> stage in trying to solve this. Has anyone had this
> kind of trouble? And, what was the trouble finally
> determined to be?
> Thanks,
> Rob
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