Re: [SLUG] Which linux database app recommended for replacement of MS Access?

From: Syd Alsobrook (
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 16:46:28 EST

On Monday 03 March 2003 16:18, Josh Tiner wrote:
> MySQL. But unless you can find a front end you like, you're GUI-less. I
> never use front ends for DB work...that's a cardinal sin. :-)

I tend to agree with this sentiment, however there have been times when an
access like app would be great for quick and dirty data cleansing. The
database sucks but the IDE like front end is really nice. The closest thing I
have found is tora, but it doesn't have the import functions that let me
import cvs, tab, and spreadsheet data like access does. Most of the time if I
use access l link to postgres or mysql. But that has been long time.


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