Is this the same article you read, or a different one?
--- William Coulter <> wrote:
> Hey everyone. I read a very interesting article in
> the USA Today paper. Sorry, for no link, but
> they wanted money to see the real article. I found
> it in the Thursday Money section Feburary 27.
> The title of the article is "Rivals chip away at
> Microsoft's dominance." It is basicly about a
> business that makes electric guitars and got a fine
> of $90,000 for eight unlicensed copies of
> Microsoft Office. Sterling Ball of Ernie Ball
> electric guitars and strings is free of microsoft
> for two years now. He has removed anything that is
> connected to Microsoft and is using
> Open-source programs. Further down the article, it
> states that the LINUX server software has
> increased by 73% to $1.3 Billion in 2002. It also
> states that in the worldwide market share in
> desktip PC software it is gainning ground. 1999 it
> was 1.5%, 2000 it was 1.7%, 2001 it was 2.4%,
> and in 2002 it was 3%.
> Way to go everyone! Keep it up. Spread the word,
> that LINUX is the answer!!!
> William
> PS-I may scan and email the orignal article. I
> can't do justice to what was said.
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