I have the TW-AOL $69.95 small business package and
find I have no problem whatsoever. I was on the original
TW RR system, as the loading increased locally, I did
notice a reduction in response, when they came out and
installed the new modem with the new service, the response
in much better than even when I got the original service
4 years ago, at that time the only one on my segment was
me B-]
I have a fixed IP and can run servers as long as I do not
abuse. I am not sure what abuse is but I plan to set up
some here as soon as things cool down work wise so I have
some time left. I need to set up a web server for my wife's
business and some other things.
I have been hurrassing Verizon now for 5 years to get DSL
in my little area ( I get this DSL propagand all the time
saying that it is available in my area but when I call,
I am always told I am too far away ( by 3-5K feet depending
on the time of year B:D )and to call back in 6 months.
Now that I have the small business cable connection for the
same price as what I was interested in from DSL I no longer
have any interest in DSL. Besides I remember when GTE (remember
them) sold me a dialup and a additional telco line so I could
have 24X7 access, a few years later I got a letter saying that
they were discontinuing that service and I would only get
150 hours/month, anything above would be charged I think it
was at $1/hour. Well needless to say as soon as TW got RR in
my area I bailed, and have not really looked back. GTE's ham
fistedness really turned me off and their continued disregard
for the community I live in (Palm River) in terms of DSL
has not helped things any, don't show a hungry man food and
then tell him he can't have it. I am sure if we had a nice
neighborhood of yuppy houses in my area they would have DSL
in there in a flash, but we are a ethnicly mixed older area
and I guess they do not think worth much, though before I
went to business class my old RR modem really was showing
a lot of activity on my segment. The way the new one works
you do not see any activity, just I guess some poling data.
Anyhow my few drops worth.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Levi Bard [mailto:levi@bard.sytes.net]
> Sent: 05 March, 2003 17:50
> To: slug@nks.net
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] RE: Verison DSL
> > Hmm, what general area are you in, and when did this happen?
> >
> > When I signed I specifically had agreement to have a "small" server
> > setup.
> I'm in Oldsmar, and it was this winter. My user agreement
> states that I can serve whatever I want, as long as I'm not
> doing so for commercial purpose, but it has a small
> disclaimer at the bottom that says that Time Warner can
> change the agreement at any time and without notice.
> Levi
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