>In one instance during the 2000 election fiasco (no politics, please),
>he flat out lied in front of the Supreme Court. Televised in living
This behavior is common with "high profile" lawyers.
Many years ago -- so far back that I used 16 mm film -- I did a TV news
segment on Marvin Michaelson, the lawyer who first came up with the
"palimony" concept. He lied to me three times in three minutes. We won't
talk about Johnn Cochran, who is now advertising like mad on TV in the
Washington, D.C. area.
FWIW, Eben Moglen has never lied to me. Ditto Jim Tyre (represents EFF,
John Gilmore, John Perry Barlow), and the guys who do the legal work
for Open Source Initiative.
Also FWIW, two EFF lawyers once *did* lie to me. They are no longer with
the EFF. I had nothing to do with their leaving. I was not the only
person they lied to. :(
There are honest lawyers. Honest politicians, too. Also (so I hear) an
honest programmer or two, somewhere.
- Robin
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