Re: [SLUG] RE: DSL setup

From: Jared Quedens (
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 23:21:01 EST

--- "Maureen L. Thomas" <> wrote:
> This is a really dumb question but - do I have to use DNS to use my DSL.
> I have been connecting but occasionally it will just go down and I have
> to reconfigure everything in Linuxconfig and reboot to get it back. I'm
> using Mandrake 9.0 with Verizon DSL. This is all new to me so be
> patient. I tried RoaringPenguin's PPPOE but it doesn't work and
> Linuxconfig keeps giving me an error message for it. But the directions
> for RP PPPOE mentions setting up DNS and I was under the impression that
> I only needed it if I was set up as a server, which I'm not. I am a
> little confused on the server issue as you can tell. Your help is
> greatly appreciated. Maureen

Hey Maureen,
            Well I doubt that your problem is with DNS but heres what you can do to figure it out.
Now I use RedHat but I dont think that would make a difference here. If the connection goes down
again, open a terminal window and try to Ping a site. "ping". If it works you will
see a streaming list of answers to your ping. And your problem is more than likely your browser
locking up on you. If it dont work then look in the file called resolv.conf on redhat its in /etc.
you can just cat it to the screen with "cat resolv.conf" you should see a line or two that starts
with nameserver. Next to the nameserver is an IP address. Try to ping those. If that dont work try
to ping Thats a nameserver as well. If that works your not getting the correct
nameserver IPs in resolv.conf. A quick fix would be just to put verizons namesever ips in there.
But you may have to re-enter it every time you reboot.:-P Hope this helps a little bit anyway.

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