RE: [SLUG] A JAVA Question.

From: Robert Ahrendt (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 13:34:35 EST

   I used to use Visual Cafe (but someone stole my copy at a job I had), So
this may be a tad out dated. In the documentation that comes with Visual
Cafe, It tells you if I remember correctly, how to get migrate VC apps to
*nix systems. You will have to move the Symantec jar files (the libraries
that symantec uses) and you will have to set a few environment variables to
tell your Java Compiler where they reside. I know this isn't as much help as
your asking, but I know longer have the help files either. I know this is
just another email saying read the docs but if you can find the section
about migrating apps to a *nix server you won't have any problems. Again I
apologize, but the memory is the first thing to go.
Robert Ahrendt

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Levi
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] A JAVA Question.

I've never used visual cafe, so caveat. I would say that it's going to be
a rewrite, unless someone has made a script to translate VC boilerplate
into Swing widgets.
By converting to Swing, the app will become accessible to anyone with a
version 1.2 or later JVM. Code clarity, on the other hand, is in the
hands of the coder.


> A friend of mine is attempting to move a Java app which was written
> using Visual Cafe into swing. (for one so we can run it on LINUX) do
> any of you know if there is software to do the conversion or is it
> going to be a re-write?
> I know that this is sort of off topic, but we are trying to make
> it run on non M$ OS's and the VC stuff is tied to M$. By moving it
> to swing (I am only the messenger, I told him I would poke around
> for him, so I am not sure if my description is totally clear here)
> to swing I understand the code will be open and much easier to maintain
> and also he will have a multiplatform version.
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