Mark Polhamus wrote:
> See for a list of
> state bills.
In FL, HB 0079 and SB 1078. Their ostensible purpose is to make it
easier for cable TV thieves to steal.
I say it this way after one of the cable TV thieves, a company called
"Time Warner," claimed I was stealing their 'premium' services and
tripled my cable TV bill -- retroactively -- even though I was doing no
such thing.
A similar law has already been passed in Michigan (motto: "We send our
worst drivers to Florida every winter") and takes effect Monday. which
means Slashdot stalwarts Rob Malda, Jeff Bates, Jamie McCarthy, and Jon
Pater will be criminals the second they log on tomorrow. I am in
Maryland at the moment, where there are not enough Repooplicans in the
legislature for this abortion to fly, a situation that will probably
change after the next election. (OTOH, the MD Demcraps sold out and
passed UCITA, albeit with changes that take out its worst provisions.
Neither major party can claim to be "honest" or to "represent the
people" any more. Both have big "For Sale" signs on their front lawns.)
The new "super-DMCAs" are being introduced in a number of states. That
they are being passed in some of them, or even considered, is a sad
commentary on the veniality and ignorance level of the people we let
into public office.
Slashdot interview with Princeton Prof. Ed Felten coming this week.
- Robin
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