Re: [SLUG] floppy firewall and router.

From: Robert Eanes (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 07:44:22 EST

I've used freesco, and tried a host of others, but
didn't find one I liked for various reasons.. ie.
things were broken or storage(memory or hd) wasn't
managed well..yadayada. I asked this same question in
one of the meetings a few months ago, and someone
suggested I try IPCOP. It is currently based on
kernel 2.2, but next version to be out shortly will be
based on 2.4. I've been very pleased with it so far.
I lot of thought has gone into the organization and
interface to this distro. I currently have it running
on an old 66mhz486 with a 540HD and 32meg of memory.

As for what hardware to suggest.. any old 486 and up
will do for this purpose. If you need a solid machine
P/100... standard setup(monitor, cpu, keyboard...)
please contact me off list. I have four to sell.

--- William Coulter <> wrote:
> Ok, I have time now and the parts to do this. I
> need a floppy firewall. Also, is there a
> software router? Now, I have heard of slackware as
> a floppy firewall, but is that outdated? I
> have also heard of wolverine as a cd mixed with a
> small hard drive as a firewall, but is that
> outdated as well? What should I do and where can I
> get them?
> William
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