Re: [SLUG] Lycoris for a friend

From: Levi Bard (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 10:23:27 EST

> Diane has installed both Lycrois and Elx by her self on her Laptop. Only on
> Elx she had to ask me one question to install it and it was should she
> install the desktop or Laptop options.

> I can vouch for Elx as being a good one for a Linux
> newbie.

Hmm, I looked at Elx at one point, and I got the impression that it had at least one of the same failings as lindows; namely, every user has write permission to every part of the filesystem. If this is still the case, I would discourage recommendation of this distro to newbies. This kind of thing will make a linux system just as susceptible to something like an email-based virus attack (albeit not quite as easy as if our clients had builtin vbs interpreters...) as a windows system. IMO, near-total immunity to virii is one of the big selling points of Linux, as a desktop, to new users.

Then again, if I'm wrong, or if Elx has since removed this "feature," feel free to disregard this message in its entirety, except for the part about disregarding this message.


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