Re: [SLUG] RH AS,ES,WS What release level?

From: Jim Wildman (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2003 - 15:49:50 EDT

The Advanced Server series started with the 2.4.9 kernel. It has now
undergone 16 revs (2.4.9-e.16). Not all of those have been released to
the customers. We're seeing about every third (.6, .9, .12, .16). It
now includes the O(1) scheduler, some bleeding edge nics (Broadcom and
Intel's 10/100/1000), improved vm and lots of other stuff from 2.5. The
apps are essentially the 7.3 apps, with appropriate bug fixes to the
core stuff (ie, don't expect bug fixes to kdegames).

Jim Wildman, CISSP, RHCE

On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 wrote:

> I have been doing some looking into the enterprise level
> RH Linux, one thing I can not seem to nail down is the
> release leve, I believe it is equal to RH 7.2 but which would
> lead me to believe it is a 2.4 kernel, but can not seem to
> find it digging around the RH web pages.
> Anyone know exactly where the enterprise products are
> with relation to the regular stuff? Most important what kernel
> level, 2.4.?
> Chuck Hast
> Telecomms Consultant, Utility Partners.
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