[SLUG] Dunedin meeting

From: A2L1 (A2L1@gte.net)
Date: Sun Apr 20 2003 - 18:43:46 EDT

Hash: SHA1

I have a Vodoo3 3000 card that was acting funny, it would have weird colors
and bars when first starting up or when changing window managers, basically
on any start of xwin, but after a bit would settle down and work fine. I dont
know if this is a sign of the card getting ready to die or if it was mearly
bad drivers,etc. I replaced the card and will give it away to anyone that
wants it. I'll bring it to the Dunedin meeting if anyone wants to go home
with it.
Im also bringing a never opened/registered box of Mandrake 9.0 power pack for
Paul to use in the raffle. I dont know if Mandrake has an upgrade for cheap
to regisered users deal or not.
Also for give away I have a HP burner that works sometimes and other times
not, dont know whats wrong with it but it does read cds no problem . Have 2
other older cdroms for give away also, these work fine one is 4X the other
Have a few brand new printer cables also, Im never going to use them so they
will be at the meeting also, 3 of them still in wrappers.
Yeh I know you rather pay me to keep this stuff but Im bringing it to the
Dunedin meeting anyway. Email me off list or just grab it at the meeting

                      A J
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