Well im not a member but, dont the electronic frontieer foundation deal with stuff like this? They
are supposed to lobby for the better of the industry arent they? I also would be down for creating
some kind of IT bussiness. Personally I think we could run things a hell of alot better than most
corperations currently are!
First thing we need to do is get a bussiness plan... WE DO I.T. ALL..(HEHE :-))
--- bpreece1 <bpreece1@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> I would honestly like to do this. Not to mention the other idea of starting
> a I.T. Bussiness that
> would undermine things and yet blow away anything out there. Just a lack of
> funds to start this.
> Wonder if we could get a nice bussiness proposal drawn up to try to get
> funding from ole Unkie Sam.
> Heck some highschool kids started a gamming cafe in St.Pete and is making a
> mint. Not to mention they got a huge funding from
> the goverment to do this.
> Idea here.
> Bill Preece
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