J Lands wrote:
>I think it a little suspicious that Microsoft signed a deal with them recently for lots of $ for their IP rights.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Derek Glidden <dglidden@illusionary.com>
>Date: 15 May 2003 11:43:26 -0400
>To: slug@nks.net
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] sco/linux/unix IP
>>On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 08:42, marrandy wrote:
>>>SCO at it again.
>>And an excellent analysis and debunking of SCO's claims:
>>Unfortunately, ESR bogs down at the end with philosophical rambling that
>>kind of muddies the whole thing. Just stop before the very end about
>>"who owns UNIX."
I had always suspected that Uncle Bill was at the root (pun intended) of
this Linux lawsuit. It smells of Microsoft. This tells me that they
are getting worried about loosing their prescious marketshare even at 1%.
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