Re: [SLUG] Sarasota meeting agenda Wed. night

From: Robin 'Roblimo' Miller (
Date: Mon May 19 2003 - 16:19:08 EDT

Matt Miller wrote:

>I disagree that most Linux technical documentation is poor. Not easy for
>the casual read -- perhaps, but definitely not poor.
>Personally, I rely heavily on technical documentation -- manpages,
>Howtos, READMEs, etc.

And your computer/Linux skills are how many orders of magnitude greater
than the average person's? :)

That's the point, Matt. All those manpages, HOWTOs, READMEs, etc. are
written for you, not for some poor schmuck who wants to get SuSe or
Mandrake installed, figure out how to add plugins to Mozilla and make
the "junk" email filters work, set margins and tabs in OpenOffice, crop
a jpg image, and wonders why he or she needs to type in a password to
install a program.

Believe me, there are plenty of people out there who don't know how to
add a program icon to a KDE panel, and don't have the slightest idea how
to make mplayer work.

- Robin

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