The IT market in Tampa is basically null. In the Tampa Tribune Newspaper you
will see that you will only mostly find MainFrame, or DBASE programming type
of jobs. Hardware and Network Engineers is almost never listed anymore.
About 2 1/2 years ago there was bout 50 to 80 ads per week now try 5 to 7
and again mostly dabase or mainframe. Sometimes there is only as little as 2
The you need to try posting resumes on or if you want to do AOL tech support then Software Spectrum
usually hires alot they mostly do dsl or cable support most dialup is now
done in India. To work there you have to also sell items as well and go
through a bunch of crap. Not to mention you have 7 to 9 minutes to get the
call resolve issue and transfers calls after you pitch them.
The tools they use one of them is a access database program that crashes
very often and their welb support sites usually go down daily.
Next if you quit they will cancel your last check which I had happen to me
and I had to get the labor board to get my check reissued.
I highly suggest you stay away from them. There is more but I will not go
into the night mare and long tales from that place.
Road Runner is suppose to be hirring for their cable support shortly. Pay
for both Software Spectrum AOL support and Road Runner is around 10 - $12.00
I wish you good luck.
B. Preece
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