Re: [SLUG] SCO-Linux

From: steve (
Date: Fri Jun 06 2003 - 12:01:35 EDT

On Friday 06 June 2003 11:37 am, you wrote:
> >
> I read this one - pretty quick of the guy to pick up on this.
> I hope some of his speculation turns out to be on target, and IBM or
> Novell GPLs the source in question. Although, if they submit the source
> as evidence, doesn't that make it public domain?
> Levi

Hehe, noo.
Trade secrets etc, are dealt with accordingly in a court of law. You and I
will not be able to inspect it.

I'm impressed with Cringley, I wished I thought of that. Looking at what he
says makes a lot of sense and would explain all.


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