Re: [SLUG] Ready for your computer to be destroyed?

From: J. David Boyd (
Date: Wed Jun 18 2003 - 09:45:40 EDT

Kenneth W Hansen wrote:

> Bseides the obvious risk that /``...innocent users might be wrongly
> targeted''/*,* there are two other major issues I see.
> 1) "Innocent until proven guilty". Mr. Hatch's proposal violates the
> Constitution. Plain and simple. Conviction and sentencing without
> being afforded a trial by a jury of peers, and not being given the
> right to confront your accusers.
> 2) /"The senator...acknowledged Congress would have to enact an
> exemption for copyright owners from liability for damaging computers."/
> Law enforcement being carried out by non-law enforcement personnel.
> This is much different than a "citizen's arrest". This is the actual
> conviction and sentencing being carried out by civilians. This isn't
> any different than the lynch mobs from early history.
> I can just imagine the lawsuit that would come the f

I think I wouldn't BUY a computer that had the components built in to
allow it to be remotely destroyed.


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