[SLUG] Re: slug] Mac

From: R P Herrold (herrold@owlriver.com)
Date: Wed Jun 18 2003 - 16:17:19 EDT

On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, jeremy bowers wrote:

> New question: I've got a beige g3 powermac and I need to do something with
> it. I have no macOS and a blank hard drive that I can use.
> It's got a G3 233 and 128 MB RAM, as well as a nifty OrangePC PCI
> coprocessor card with a Pentium 233MMX on it, and another 128Mb ram stick.

oldworld is hard -- these machines are at end of life and then
some so far as Apple is concerned. I have been using and
developing toward YDL as a target, and find it very

Official Apple media crosses ebay for full retail installs
reasonably inexpensively on older variants -- and Apple itself
has released ISOs of much older OS levels -- you might see if
it is now freely available.

-- Russ

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