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I'm running debian on my G3 even as we speak! As far as the Mac OS is
concerned, yes, it will run OS X, but it is rather slow (and you need more
RAM!). But not that bad, actually. You do need some kind of Mac OS to run
BootX. I haven't had any luck w/ Quik, unfortunately.
Of course, you could ignore the mac side altogether and just run linux w/ the
coprocessor card. That might be fun all by itself!
How is it that you got a machine, but no OS? You can go to apple, and get
something that will run the G3, just minimally to get you into Linux.
On Wednesday 18 June 2003 15:29 pm, jeremy bowers wrote:
> By the way, thanks for all the folks who helped with my question about
> MoveableType and cgi. It's working great now that I've configured the
> ScriptAlias properly.
> New question: I've got a beige g3 powermac and I need to do something with
> it. I have no macOS and a blank hard drive that I can use.
> It's got a G3 233 and 128 MB RAM, as well as a nifty OrangePC PCI
> coprocessor card with a Pentium 233MMX on it, and another 128Mb ram stick.
> What can I do with this? I noticed that Debian seems to be the best distro
> to run, but there's no way I can use BootX with no MacOS. Anyone gotten
> quik to run on an old world mac?
> --Jeremy
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