RE: [SLUG] Java prepares to fight M$

From: Josh Tiner (
Date: Wed Jun 25 2003 - 14:10:36 EDT

Meh - I hope you didn't take it the wrong way. I just saw Dakota and
remembered you were from there.

Being originally from Mississippi I can say it's the same way for those
rural places to - I'm just surprised it made the news such as it did. I
certainly don't think it's because they are "hicks" or "hillbillies" or
anything of that sort - I just don't think most people enjoy living in
rural parts of the country. Some of the brightest people I know come
from rural areas (and some of the cutest girls I know too). That's a
stereo type.

People mostly move away to more populated areas because of job
opportunities I think (not that there are many out there these days).

It takes a certain type of person to want to drive 45 minutes to the
nearest grocery store. I used to it when I was growing up, but this is
like the largest place I've ever lived in, so it's pretty much heaven to
me to be able to walk across the street and enjoy the convenience.

Getting back on topic...

I plan on moving back to Mississippi some day though and setting up some
network services for people that live in rural areas; probably after I
inherit some land that's been in the family for generations or
something... It's something that I've wanted to do for a long time and
there are clearly some good applications for the technology to be
applied to in these areas. I often search the net for rural news to find
out what products / services would be of value to rural dwelling people
to bring a little city life convenience back home. The market may not be
the most profitable out there, but there is a distinct satisfaction in
knowing that people are using the technology and benefiting from it.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf Of Levi
>Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:31 PM
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Java prepares to fight M$
>> I also read another, and somewhat amusing article there too for you
>> Dakotans - not really tech related at all - but what the hell. I know
>> one for sure will probably get a kick out of this
>> -*kaff*kaff*Levi*kaff*kaff*:
>Nice. "Us hicks up here in North Dakota cain't keep us no women, so's
>pay for them young thangs to come down from that there Canadia!!"

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