Bah! That's a gigantic stereotype that all rural dwelling people have 10
kids, a farmhouse, and have to feed 5 farm hands.
Take this for example, I know a gentleman back in my home state that
used to be a mechanic. Somehow the good fortune fell upon him to buy
some inexpensive property in Mississippi - he also took a loan out from
the bank to build, get this, chicken houses.
These just aren't any chicken houses though. These are automated chicken
houses for the most part with the exception of having someone walk
through them every so often to make sure things are copasetic. They use
computers (some flavor of UNIX if I remember correctly, but it might be
windows) to automatically feed the chickens, etc, and warn the owners
when there are problems (such as temperatures being too cold in the
house etc). Aside from that, every few months a large 18 wheeler truck
unloads a truck full of baby chickens into the house and returns a few
months later to take the adult chickens to a slaughter house.
The guy that owns this place now makes well over $200K a year in
/profits/. That's quite a significant change going from 30K to 200K, and
a damned site better than many in the high tech / computer industry can
do. He's the South East's largest producer of poultry products for
companies such as KFC.
Just goes to show you that there are applications for tech in the rural
areas as well as some money to be made. Hell, for ~200K a year I would
live in the chicken house with chickens!!! HAH! :)
It's not just whiskey bottles, cattle grates, baseball bats, pick up
trucks, and rebel flags anymore people!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf Of J.
>David Boyd
>Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Java prepares to fight M$
>Hash: SHA1
>Josh Tiner wrote:
>| I also read another, and somewhat amusing article there too for you
>| Dakotans
>To quote from the article:
>- -------
>Hegney said he doesn't understand why life in a rural area would be a
>turnoff for a woman.
>"I don't expect her to start running cattle," he said. "All that
>is that she's a good wife and mother."
>- -------
>Yeah, I can't see where THAT could be too hard. Maybe 9 or 10 kids to
>take care of, and a farmhouse, feeding the family and 4 or 5
>farmhands... Then taking care of that big strong man when he comes in
>from the fields... I can't imaging why women aren't flocking there
>the boring lives they lead in the cities and urban areas.
>- --
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