[SLUG] lpd hostname failure

From: Thomas A. Ufer (tufer@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Sat Jul 05 2003 - 00:27:16 EDT

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From: Mario Lombardo <mario@alienscience.com>
To: slug@nks.net
Subject: lpd hostname failure
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2003 18:42:11 -0400

Happy Independence Day SLUGGERS! Don't go blow your fingers off tonight
or no more stupid ASCII tricks!

My question...So what's the problem with lpd? Where is it getting this
localhost stuff? I've read the man pages but no go. Everytime lpd
starts, I _get_ the following:

[root@baglady log]# /etc/init.d/lpd start
Starting lpd: 2003-07-04-18:31:12.250 baglady Get_local_host:
'localhost' IP
address not available!
                                                           [ OK ]
[root@baglady log]#

Running hostname reports...

[root@baglady log]# hostname
[root@baglady log]#

Running cat /etc/sysconfig/network reports...

[root@baglady log]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network
[root@baglady log]#

Running cat /etc/hosts

[root@baglady log]# cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. baglady
[root@baglady log]#

Running cat /etc/HOSTNAME

[root@baglady etc]# cat /etc/HOSTNAME
[root@baglady etc]#


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